Install Mariadb Mac


MariaDB is an open source database management system. MariaDB intends to maintain high compatibility with MySQL. It is one of the most popular databases in the world. MariaDB is named after the name of younger daughter Maria of its founder Michael 'Monty' Widenius. In this tutorial, we will learn the steps involved in the installation process of MariaDB on MacOS.


Install Mariadb Mac

MariaDB Server is available for installation on macOS (formerly Mac OS X) via the Homebrew package manager. MariaDB Server is available as a Homebrew 'bottle', a pre-compiled package. This means you can install it without having to build from source yourself. In this video, I walk you through how to install MariaDB on OS X, without having to use or install Homebrew. This is the latest stable version of MariaDB which has been ported to MacPorts as of 7/8/19. Expected support end May 2023. Mariadb: MariaDB v5.5.x. Support expected through 2020. Percona: another MySQL fork percona: Percona Server v5.6.x. For each of the above ports, there is a '-server' companion port you should install if you want to run. Installing MariaDB into Mac OS X. Unlike Apache and PHP, MariaDB doesn’t come pre-installed with Mac OS X. To do that we’ll be using another cool tool: HomeBrew which claims to be the missing package manager for OS X. Let’s see it in action and then proceed right away with the MariaDB installation. Install HomeBrew from the command line. If you have a Red Hat or SUSE subscription and you install the MariaDB binaries from your Linux distribution vendor, then your current contract may also cover MariaDB. If you run a mission critical database, please make sure you have some kind of support relationship with any of the MariaDB support providers.

  1. MacOS
  2. Login as an administrator on terminal


Installation includes following steps.

1) Update the local repository index of homebrew package installer

Following command can be executed to update the local repository index of homebrew.

2) Install with homebrew

Install mariadb mac os x

MariaDB can be installed by using homebrew package installer. Following command is executed to install MariaDB.

3) Start MariaDB

To start MariaDB, MySQL.server needs to be started which is located inside /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.2.12/support-files. We can start the server by using following command.


Download xcode offline. To execute the command, we need to either change our working directory to usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.2.12/support-files or change the PATH variable by editing .bash_profile.

4) Working on command line

To get started with the MariaDB shell, following command can be executed.

For this, change the working directory to /usr/local/cellar/mariadb/10.2.12/bin or edit .bash_profile.

Create database command is responsible for creating the database named as javatpoint in the records.

5) Stop MariaDB

To stop MariaDB server, we run the following command.

Install Mariadb Mac

Hence, we have installed and get started with MariaDB.

Mariadb Install Macos