Mongodb Macos

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  • Insert Data into MongoDB

Author: MongoDB Documentation Team

In this guide, you will insert data into MongoDB.

Time required: 15 minutes

What You’ll Need¶

  • If you have not already installed a client (e.g. a driver, MongoDB Compass, or the mongo shell), complete the Connect to MongoDB guide before attempting this guide.
  • If you have not already installed a client (e.g. a driver, MongoDB Compass, or the mongo shell), complete the Connect to MongoDB guide before attempting this guide.
  • Enable Auth on your local instance of MongoDB.


If you are running MongoDB locally and have not enabled authentication, your MongoDB instance is not secure.

Mongodb Macos Client

Check Your Environment¶

You will need to ensure that your MongoDB instance is running and accessible.

Check that you have an Atlas account and have deployed a MongoDB databasecluster. See Get Started with Atlas for informationon how to login and create a cluster in Atlas.

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

To make sure that your MongoDB instance is running on Windows,run the following command from the Windows command prompt:

If a mongod.exe instance is running, you willsee something like:

To make sure your MongoDB instance is running on Mac, run thefollowing command from your terminal:

If a mongod instance is running, you will seesomething like:

To make sure your MongoDB instance is running on Linux, run thefollowing command from your terminal:

If a mongod instance is running, you will seesomething like:


Connect to Your MongoDB Instance¶

  • Mongo Shell
  • Compass
  • Python
  • Java (Sync)
  • Node.js
  • Other
    • C#
    • Go

Select the operating system platform on which you are running theMongoDB client you have selected.

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Pass the URI to the mongo shell followed by the --passwordoption. You will then be prompted for your password.

Pass the URI to the mongo shell followed by the --passwordoption. You will then be prompted for your password.

Pass the URI to the mongo shell followed by the --passwordoption. You will then be prompted for your password.

If you wish to manually configure your Compass connection, loadCompass and select the NewConnection link. You will see aform where you can enter connection information for MongoDB.

Atlas users can copy a URI string from the Atlasconsole into Compass. MongoDB Compass can detect whether you have a MongoDBURI connection string in your system clipboard and auto-populate the connection dialog from the URI.

See Set Up Atlas Connectivity for information onhow to get the Atlas connection string URI into your copybuffer.

If Compass was already running when you copied the URI string,click the NEW CONNECTION button.

You will be prompted to populate the connection dialog.Click Yes.

You should then populate the password field with theproper password for your MongoDB user in the connection form.


Errors related to connecting through Compass willappear in red at the top of the Connect screen.

It’s a good idea to put your connection code in a class sothat it can be reused.

If your connection_string starts with mongodb+srv, you need to install the dnspython module with

Now add code to call the class you just created.

For the MongoDB java driver 3.7 and beyond, use the MongoClients.create() method.

For legacy drivers (prior to 3.7), use:

The MongoDB.Bson package is used in CRUD operations, soyou’ll import it here.

Replace your password and any parameters surrounded by $[]in the connection string in the code below.

For now, you will use the context.TODO().

Later you’ll configure the context specific to your requirements.

You won’t know if the connection has been successful until youuse the connection. A ping is one way you can test theconnection. This is a full example of a Go connection tomongoDB, including a test ping.

In your Go workspace and project folder, run build.

Now run the binary. For binaries that are not installed, you’llhave to specify the path.

If you’d like to run the resulting binary without specifyinga path, install the binary you just built into your Go workspace. Last catalina updates.


Now run the code. “yourprojectname” is the name of the projectdirectory that contains the file with your main() function.

For installed binaries use:

For binaries that are not installed, you’ll have to specifythe path.

The default timeout for the Go driver to connect to the databaseis 30 seconds. In the event that you are unable to connect,you will see an error that resembles this:

Switch to the test Database¶

  • Mongo Shell
  • Compass
  • Python
  • Java (Sync)
  • Node.js
  • Other
    • Motor
    • C#
    • Go

To switch to the test database in the mongo shell, type

If the database has not been created already, click theCreate Database button.

Select the test database on the left side of the Compassinterface. Compass will list all of the collections in thedatabase below the database name.

Switch to the test database andaccess the inventory collection.


Within the connect block, set db to the test database.

Switch to the test database andaccess the inventory collection.

Insert a Single Document¶

Now you are ready to create your first document in MongoDB.

MongoDB stores documents as BSON, a binary form of JavaScript ObjectNotation JSON. The documents are stored in collections.


  • Mongo Shell
  • Compass
  • Python
  • Java (Sync)
  • Node.js
  • Other
    • Motor
    • C#
    • Go
Mongodb macos catalina

The following example inserts a new document into theinventory collection. If the document does not specifyan _id field, MongoDB adds the _id field with anObjectId value to the new document.

To insert a single document using MongoDB Compass:

Mongodb Macos
  1. Navigate to the collection you wish to insert the documentinto:

    1. In the left-hand MongoDB Compass navigation pane, clickthe database to which your target collection belongs.
    2. From the database view, click the target collection name.
  2. Click the Insert Document button:

  3. For each field in the document, select the field type andfill in the field name and value. Add fields by clickingthe last line number, then clickingAdd Field After …

    • For Object types, add nested fields by clicking thelast field’s number and selectingAdd Field After …
    • For Array types, add additional elements to the arrayby clicking the last element’s line number and selectingAdd Array Element After …
  4. Once all fields have been filled out, click Insert.

The following example inserts a new document into thetest.inventory collection:

The following example inserts a new document into theinventory collection. If the document does not specifyan _id field, the PyMongo driver adds the _id fieldwith an ObjectId value to the new document. SeeInsert Behavior.

The following example inserts a new document into theinventory collection. If the document does not specifyan _id field, the driver adds the _id field with anObjectId value to the new document. SeeInsert Behavior.

First, get the inventory collection.

The following example inserts a new document into theinventory collection. If the document does not specifyan _id field, the Node.js driver adds the _id fieldwith an ObjectId value to the new document. SeeInsert Behavior.

The following example shows the api call required to insert anew document into the inventory collection. If the documentdoes not specify an _id field, the Motor driver adds the_id field with an ObjectId value to the new document. SeeInsert Behavior.

The following example inserts a new document into theinventory collection. If the document does not specifyan _id field, the C# driver adds the _id fieldwith an ObjectId value to the new document. SeeInsert Behavior.

The following example shows the api call required to insert anew document into the inventory collection. If the documentdoes not specify an _id field, the Go driver adds the_id field with an ObjectId value to the new document. SeeInsert Behavior.

Before inserting the data, you’ll need to assign theinventory collection in the test database to avariable

  • Mongo Shell
  • Compass
  • Python
  • Java (Sync)
  • Node.js
  • Other
    • Motor
    • C#
    • Go

Next, populate a Document with fields and an embedded document,and insert it into the database.

For completeness, this is how you might wrap this call and runit with the asyncio event loop.

Mongodb Mac Os

Run the loop:

Unlike SQL tables, MongoDB collections have dynamic schemas. That is,a single collection can store documents that differ in shapes (i.e.contain different fields and value types). And unlike SQL, no DDLoperation is required to add or remove fields or modify field types.You just update the documents directly.


While MongoDB does support dynamic collection definitions, you canalso enforce a uniform schema for the documents in your collection.See JSON Schema validation.

  • Python
  • Java (Sync)
  • Motor

When you are done working with your MongoDB data, close yourconnection to MongoDB:


If you have successfully completed this guide, you have created your first MongoDB data.In the next guide, you will check your work by retrieving the information you just saved.

What’s Next¶

In this guide, you will read all documents from a collection in the MongoDB database.

See Also¶

For other CRUD guides:

© MongoDB, Inc 2008-present. MongoDB, Mongo, and the leaf logo are registered trademarks of MongoDB, Inc.

Welcome to the MongoDB C++ driver. On this site, you’ll find documentationto help you get the most from MongoDB and C++. If you’re just startingout, take a look at these pages first:

Driver status by family and version

Stability indicates whether this driver is recommended for production use.Currently, no drivers guarantee API or ABI stability.

(repo master branch)UnstableActive developmentNew feature development
mongocxx 3.6.xStableBug fixes onlyCurrent stable C++ driver release
mongocxx 3.5.xStableNonePrevious stable C++ driver release
mongocxx 3.4.xStableNonePrevious stable C++ driver release
mongocxx 3.3.xStableNonePrevious stable C++ driver release
mongocxx 3.2.xStableNonePrevious stable C++ driver release
mongocxx 3.1.xStableNonePrevious stable C++ driver release
mongocxx 3.0.xStableNonePrevious stable C++ driver release

MongoDB compatibility

Compatibility of each C++ driver version with each MongoDB server is documented in the MongoDB manual.


Mongodb Macos

MongoDB C++ drivers are available under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0.